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Project Directory Structure

When you use isaacscript init, it will automatically create a directory with some files for you. The basic folder structure is:

├── src/ (TypeScript source code)
| └── main.ts
└── mod/ (what will exist in the "real" mod directory)
├── main.lua
└── metadata.xml

More specifics are detailed below. You do not need to know what all of these files are for, so if you want to dive into coding your mod, skip reading this page.



This is the root directory of your project. It won't actually be called project; it will instead be named after your mod.


This directory contains the file for GitHub Actions (i.e. continuous integration).

If you do not use GitHub, feel free to delete this directory.

If you want to be alerted via Discord if a commit fails CI, then follow the steps in the comment near the bottom of the file.


This directory contains some stock settings that are recommended for VSCode to work properly with IsaacScript projects.

If you do not use VSCode and don't ever plan on collaborating with anyone who would, feel free to delete this directory.


This is the source mod directory. Any files that you put here will be automatically transferred over to the mirrored directory in mods.

For example,


will be copied to:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\The Binding of Isaac Rebirth\mods\revelations\image.png


This directory contains the dependencies for the project. (e.g. TypeScript, TypeScriptToLua, ESLint, etc.)

Leave it in place and ignore it.

More info:

  • node_modules is generated when you type npm install in a directory with a package.json file in it.
  • isaacscript init automatically creates a package.json file for you and does an npm install when you start a new project.
  • This directory will contain a lot of files and is usually 100+ megabytes in size.
  • node_modules are always excluded from being tracked in a Git repository.
    • There will already be an entry for node_modules in the .gitignore file installed by isaacscript.


This is the TypeScript source directory. All of the TypeScript files for your mod should live in here.

isaacscript init will automatically create a main.ts file for you in this directory.



This is the configuration file for ESLint, the TypeScript linter.

You can edit this file if you need to disable a specific linting rule.


This contains specific Git attributes that should be applied to this Git repository, if present. By default, it prevent Windows systems from cloning the repository with "\r\n" line endings (since "\n" line endings should always be used for consistency).


This contains a list of files that should not be added to a Git repository, if present. If you have a private file that you don't want to be committed to a repository, you can edit this file and add it.


This contains settings for the Lua language server. Even though IsaacScript mods are programmed in TypeScript, not Lua, you may sometimes want to open the resulting "main.lua" file for the purposes of troubleshooting a run-time error. Or, you might be using a 3rd-party Lua library, and you might want to open the Lua files for the purposes of modifying something.


This contains a list of files that should not be automatically formatted. By default, it includes stuff from Basement Renovator and the animation editor.


This is the configuration file for CSpell, a spell-checker for code.

If VSCode incorrectly reports that a file is misspelled, you can right-click on the word and say "Add Words to CSpell Configuration". The word will then be recorded in this file and the squiggly line will go away.


This is the configuration file for isaacscript. It contains only per-user settings. Thus, it should not be committed to a Git repository. You can see the format of the file in the IsaacScript source code.


This is the licence for your project. By default, isaacscript init installs GNU General Public License v3. Since the type definitions are licensed as GPLv3, you must use GPLv3 or another compatible license in your IsaacScript project.


This is the configuration file for npm, the Node package manager. It contains a description of your project and a list of all of the dependencies.

If you decide to add a new dependency (e.g. npm install lodash --save), then npm would automatically edit the package.json file accordingly. (Beware of adding JavaScript/TypeScript dependencies, since it will not work properly.)

IsaacScript projects start with some dependencies:

  1. isaac-typescript-definitions - Provides the types for all the Isaac API classes, like EntityPlayer and so forth.
  2. isaacscript-common - Provides optional code that you can use in your mod. See the isaacscript-common page for more info.

It also starts with some development dependencies (which are only used when compiling, linting, and so on):

  1. isaacscript - Provides the command-line program that monitors your project.
  2. isaacscript-common-node - Provides helper functions to use in scripts.
  3. isaacscript-lint - Provides eslint and all of the linting-related packages that eslint uses, including the official IsaacScript linting rule-set.
  4. isaacscript-spell - Provides spell checking dictionaries for The Binding of Isaac words and IsaacScript words.
  5. isaacscript-tsconfig - Provides a standard TypeScript configuration file ("tsconfig.json").
  6. tsx - Provides the tsx program, which is used to run TypeScript code.
  7. typescript - Provides the ability to compile TypeScript code.
  8. typescript-to-lua - The tool that actually converts the TypeScript code to Lua. The isaacscript command-line program invokes this on your behalf.


This is a lock file for npm, the Node package manager.

You are not supposed to edit this file; just leave it in place so that npm can function correctly.


This is the configuration file for Prettier.

If you need to modify a specific option of Prettier, you can edit this file.

This is the README file for your project, which should contain a brief description of your mod. It uses Markdown, which is the standard format for README files.

tsconfig.eslint.json and tsconfig.json

These are the configuration files for the TypeScript programming language. The main one is tsconfig.json. tsconfig.eslint.json extends the main one to make ESLint work properly.

Edit tsconfig.json if you need to add or remove a particular compiler flag.


This is the transpiled Lua output of your TypeScript source code. All TypeScript code is combined into one big Lua file. There is no need to commit this file to a Git repository, so it is included in the ".gitignore" file by default.


This is the file used by the "ModUploader" tool to upload your mod to the Steam Workshop. It contains a description of your mod and other metadata. IsaacScript creates a basic one for you, but when you upload your mod to the Steam Workshop for the first time, more information will be added (like the ID of the mod).