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  • The Isaac API offers a lot of callbacks, but a lot of times there isn't one for the specific thing that you are looking to do. So, isaacscript-common adds a bunch of new callbacks that you can use.
  • The extra callbacks are efficient such that no code is executed until there is one or more subscriptions.
  • You must upgrade your mod with the upgradeMod helper function before using a custom callback.

Enumeration Members



The exact same thing as the vanilla ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function entityTakeDmgFilter(
entity: Entity,
amount: float,
damageFlags: BitFlags<DamageFlag>,
source: EntityRef,
countdownFrames: int,
): boolean | undefined {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback, except this callback automatically filters for EntityType.ENTITY_PLAYER and casts the Entity object to a EntityPlayer.

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function entityTakeDmgPlayer(
player: EntityPlayer,
amount: float,
damageFlags: BitFlags<DamageFlag>,
source: EntityRef,
countdownFrames: int,
): boolean | undefined {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla INPUT_ACTION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the InputHook provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ButtonAction provided.
function inputActionFilter(
entity: Entity | undefined,
inputHook: InputHook,
buttonAction: ButtonAction,
): boolean | undefined {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla INPUT_ACTION callback, except this callback automatically filters for EntityType.ENTITY_PLAYER and casts the Entity object to a EntityPlayer. It also allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the InputHook provided.
  • You can provide an optional sixth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ButtonAction provided.
function inputActionPlayer(
player: EntityPlayer,
inputHook: InputHook,
buttonAction: ButtonAction,
): boolean | undefined {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a Challenge Room or Boss Rush is started. Specifically, this happens on the first frame that Room.IsAmbushDone is true.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the AmbushType provided.
function postAmbushFinished(ambushType: AmbushType): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a Challenge Room or Boss Rush is completed. Specifically, this happens on the first frame that Room.IsAmbushActive is true.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the AmbushType provided.
function postAmbushStarted(ambushType: AmbushType): void {}

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Fires on the POST_BOMB_UPDATE callback that it explodes.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postBombDetonated(bomb: EntityBomb): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_BOMB_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postBombInitFilter(bomb: EntityBomb): void {}

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Fires on the first POST_BOMB_UPDATE frame for each bomb.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_BOMB_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postBombInitLate(bomb: EntityBomb): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_BOMB_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postBombRenderFilter(bomb: EntityBomb, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_BOMB_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postBombUpdateFilter(bomb: EntityBomb): void {}

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Fires from the POST_RENDER callback when one of Forgotten's bone clubs is swung or thrown.

function postBoneSwing(boneClub: EntityKnife): void {}

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Fires from the POST_PICKUP_UPDATE callback when a collectible goes from a non-zero sub-type to CollectibleType.NULL (i.e. an "empty" pedestal).

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the pedestal changed from the CollectibleType provided.
function postCollectibleEmpty(
collectible: EntityPickupCollectible,
oldCollectibleType: CollectibleType,
): void {}

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Fires from the POST_PLAYER_RENDER callback on the first frame that the "TeleportUp" animation begins playing after a player triggers a Cursed Eye teleport or a Cursed Skull teleport. (Both of these have the same effect in causing Isaac to be teleported to a random room.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postCursedTeleport(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

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Fires from the POST_PLAYER_UPDATE callback after the player has finished the death animation, has teleported to the previous room, and is ready to play the animation for the modded revival item. The revivalType will match the value returned from the PRE_CUSTOM_REVIVE callback.

In this callback, you must play an animation with something along the lines of player.AnimateCollectible(CollectibleTypeCustom.COLLECTIBLE_MY_REVIVAL_ITEM);, otherwise the animation for a 1-Up will play.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the revival type matches the one provided.
function postCustomRevive(player: EntityPlayer, revivalType: int): void {}

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Fires from the EFFECT_POST_UPDATE callback after a player has entered the range of a Dice Room floor.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the DiceFloorSubType provided.
function postDiceRoomActivated(
player: EntityPlayer,
diceFloorSubType: DiceFloorSubType,
): void {}

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Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a door exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postDoorRender(door: GridEntityDoor): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a door exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postDoorUpdate(door: GridEntityDoor): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_EFFECT_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EffectVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEffectInitFilter(effect: EntityEffect): void {}

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Fires on the first POST_EFFECT_UPDATE frame for each effect.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_EFFECT_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EffectVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEffectInitLate(effect: EntityEffect): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_EFFECT_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EffectVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEffectRenderFilter(effect: EntityEffect, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

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Fires from the POST_EFFECT_UPDATE callback when an effect's state has changed from what it was on the previous frame. (In this context, "state" refers to the EntityEffect.State field.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EffectVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEffectStateChanged(
effect: EntityEffect,
previousState: int,
currentState: int,
): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_EFFECT_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EffectVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEffectUpdateFilter(effect: EntityEffect): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_ENTITY_KILL callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postEntityKillFilter(entity: Entity): void {}

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Fires one POST_UPDATE frame after the player has used the Esau Jr. item. (The player is not updated to the new character until a game frame has passed.)

function postEsauJr(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_FAMILIAR_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postFamiliarInitFilter(familiar: EntityFamiliar): void {}

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Fires on the first FAMILIAR_UPDATE frame for each familiar.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_TEAR_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postFamiliarInitLate(familiar: EntityFamiliar): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_FAMILIAR_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postFamiliarRenderFilter(familiar: EntityFamiliar, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

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Fires from the POST_FAMILIAR_UPDATE callback when a familiar's state has changed from what it was on the previous frame. (In this context, "state" refers to the EntityFamiliar.State field.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postFamiliarStateChanged(
familiar: EntityFamiliar,
previousState: int,
currentState: int,
): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_FAMILIAR_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postFamiliarUpdateFilter(familiar: EntityFamiliar): void {}

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Fires one POST_UPDATE frame after the player has first used the Esau Jr. item. (The player is not updated to the new character until a game frame has passed.)

This callback is useful because there is no way to get access to the Esau Jr. character entity before the player has actually used the Esau Jr. item.

function postFirstEsauJr(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

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Fires after the player has used the Flip item for the first time. Unlike the vanilla USE_ITEM callback, this callback will return the player object for the new Lazarus (not the one who used the Flip item).

This callback is useful because there is no way to get access to the "flipped" character entity before the player has actually used the Flip item.

function postFirstFlip(newLazarus: EntityPlayer, oldLazarus: EntityPlayer): void {}

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Fires after the player has used the Flip item. Unlike the vanilla USE_ITEM callback, this callback will return the player object for the new Lazarus (not the one who used the Flip item).

This callback is useful because there is no way to get access to the "flipped" character entity before the player has actually used the Flip item.

function postFlip(newLazarus: EntityPlayer, oldLazarus: EntityPlayer): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_GAME_END callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the isGameOver value provided.
function postGameEndFilter(isGameOver: boolean): void {}

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Similar to the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires in the correct order with respect to the POST_NEW_LEVEL and the POST_NEW_ROOM callbacks:


  • You must provide a third argument:
    • Pass true if you want the callback to only fire if the run is continued.
    • Pass false if you want the callback to only fire when the run is not continued.
    • Pass undefined if you want the callback to fire in both situations.

(The third argument for this callback is mandatory in order to prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot with respect to logic unexpectedly being executed on continued runs.)

function postGameStartedReordered(isContinued: boolean): void {}

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Similar to the POST_GAME_STARTED_REORDERED callback, but fires after all of the subscribed callbacks have finished firing. Thus, you can use this callback to do perform things after a new run has started (or continued), but you can be sure that all new-run-related initialization has been completed.

  • You must provide a third argument:
    • Pass true if you want the callback to only fire if the run is continued.
    • Pass false if you want the callback to only fire when the run is not continued.
    • Pass undefined if you want the callback to fire in both situations.

(The third argument for this callback is mandatory in order to prevent users from shooting themselves in the foot with respect to logic unexpectedly being executed on continued runs.)

function postGameStartedReorderedLast(isContinued: boolean): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when the Greed Mode wave increases.

function postGreedModeWave(oldWave: int, newWave: int): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a grid entity changes to a state that corresponds to the broken state for the respective grid entity type. (For example, this will fire for a GridEntityType.ROCK (2) when its state changes to RockState.BROKEN (2).)

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_BROKEN callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityBroken(gridEntity: GridEntity): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a new entity collides with a grid entity. (After this, the callback will not continue to fire. It will only fire again once the entity moves out of range and then moves back into range.)

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_COLLISION callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided (for the grid entity).
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional sixth argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional seventh argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the sub-type provided.
function postGridEntityCollision(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
entity: Entity,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_BROKEN callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomBroken(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_COLLISION callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional sixth argument that will make the callback only fire if the colliding entity matches the sub-type provided.
function postGridEntityCustomCollision(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
entity: Entity,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_INIT callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomInit(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_REMOVE callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomRemove(
gridIndex: int,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_RENDER callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomRender(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_STATE_CHANGED callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomStateChanged(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
oldState: int,
newState: int,
): void {}

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The same as the POST_GRID_ENTITY_UPDATE callback, but only fires for grid entities created with the spawnCustomGridEntity helper function.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the custom GridEntityType provided. (Custom grid entities do not have variants, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by variant.)
function postGridEntityCustomUpdate(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
gridEntityTypeCustom: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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Fires when a new grid entity is initialized. Specifically, this is either:

  • in the POST_NEW_ROOM_REORDERED callback (firing every time a room is entered, even if the entity was previously there on a previous room entry)
  • in the POST_UPDATE callback (if the entity appeared mid-way through the room, like when the trapdoor appears after defeating It Lives)

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_INIT callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityInit(gridEntity: GridEntity): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a new grid entity is removed. Specifically, this on the frame after it no longer exists (where it did exist a frame ago).

(Leaving a room with a grid entity does not count as "removing" it.)

This will fire when a Polty/Kineti picks up a grid entity.

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_REMOVE callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityRemove(
gridIndex: int,
gridEntityType: GridEntityType,
): void {}

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Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a grid entity exists.

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_RENDER callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityRender(gridEntity: GridEntity): void {}

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Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when a grid entity changes its state. (In this context, "state" refers to the GridEntity.State field.)

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_STATE_CHANGED callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityStateChanged(
gridEntity: GridEntity,
oldState: int,
newState: int,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a grid entity exists.

For grid entities created with spawnCustomGridEntity, use the POST_GRID_ENTITY_CUSTOM_UPDATE callback instead.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postGridEntityUpdate(gridEntity: GridEntity): void {}

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Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when the player loses a Holy Mantle temporary collectible effect.

This callback is useful because you might want to have code that happens when the player is hit from an enemy. Normally, you would accomplish this via the ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback, but that callback never fires if the player has a Holy Mantle shield.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerInitReordered(
player: EntityPlayer,
oldNumHolyMantles: int,
newNumHolyMantles: int,
): void {}

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Fires from POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when the player loses charge on their active collectible item, implying that the item was just used.

This callback is useful because the USE_ITEM callback does not fire when The Candle, Red Candle, and Bob's Rotten Brain are discharged.

Note that this callback will not fire if the active item is both discharged and swapped for another item / discharged on the same frame, like in the case of Alabaster Box.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the CollectibleType provided.
function postItemDischarge(
player: EntityPlayer,
collectibleType: CollectibleType,
activeSlot: ActiveSlot,
): void {}

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Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when an item is no longer queued (i.e. when the animation of the player holding the item above their head is finished and the item is actually added to the player's inventory).

Note that this callback will only fire once per Forgotten/Soul pair.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ItemType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if the sub-type matches the CollectibleType or the TrinketType provided.
function postItemPickup(
player: EntityPlayer,
pickingUpItem: PickingUpItem,
): void {}

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Fires on the first POST_RENDER frame after a key on the keyboard has been pressed or released. (In other words, the callback only fires when the "pressed" status is different than what it was on the previous frame.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the Keyboard provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the pressed state provided. (true for pressed, false for released.)
function postKeyboardChanged(keyboard: Keyboard, pressed: boolean): void {}

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The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_KNIFE_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the KnifeVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postKnifeInitFilter(knife: EntityKnife): void {}

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Fires on the first POST_KNIFE_UPDATE frame for each knife.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_KNIFE_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the KnifeVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postKnifeInitLate(knife: EntityKnife): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_KNIFE_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the KnifeVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postKnifeRenderFilter(knife: EntityKnife, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_KNIFE_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the KnifeVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postKnifeUpdateFilter(knife: EntityKnife): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_LASER_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the LaserVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postLaserInitFilter(laser: EntityLaser): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_LASER_UPDATE frame for each laser.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_LASER_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the LaserVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional forth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postLaserInitLate(laser: EntityLaser): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_LASER_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the LaserVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postLaserRenderFilter(laser: EntityLaser, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_LASER_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the LaserVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postLaserUpdateFilter(laser: EntityLaser): void {}

Defined in




The same as the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires in the correct order with respect to the POST_GAME_STARTED and the POST_NEW_ROOM callbacks:


Additionally, this callback will pass the LevelStage as the first callback argument and the StageType as the second callback argument.

Note that similar to the vanilla POST_NEW_LEVEL callback, this callback will not fire when a player resumes a saved run. (In that case, only the POST_GAME_STARTED_REORDERED and the POST_NEW_ROOM_REORDERED callbacks will fire, in that order).

If some specific cases, mods can change the current level during run initialization (on the 0th frame). However, due to how the callback reordering works, the custom POST_NEW_LEVEL_REORDERED callback will never fire on the 0th frame. To get around this, call the forceNewLevelCallback() function before changing levels to temporarily force the callback to fire.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the LevelStage provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the StageType provided.
function postNewLevelReordered(stage: LevelStage, stageType: StageType): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_NEW_ROOM or PRE_ENTITY_SPAWN callback where being in a new room is detected. This is useful because the vanilla POST_NEW_ROOM callback fires only after entities in the room have been initialized and updated once, which means that it is possible for entity-related code to run before room-related-initialization has been performed.

Additionally, this callback will pass the RoomType as the first callback argument.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the RoomType provided.
function postNewRoomEarly(roomType: RoomType): void {}

Defined in




The same as the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires in the correct order with respect to the POST_GAME_STARTED and the POST_NEW_LEVEL callbacks:


Additionally, this callback will pass the RoomType as the first callback argument.

If some specific cases, mods can change the current room during run initialization (on the 0th frame). However, due to how the callback reordering works, the custom POST_NEW_ROOM_REORDERED callback will never fire on the 0th frame. To get around this, call the forceNewRoomCallback() function before changing levels to temporarily force the callback to fire.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the RoomType provided.
function postNewRoomReordered(roomType: RoomType): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_NPC_DEATH callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCDeathFilter(npc: EntityNPC): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_NPC_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCInitFilter(npc: EntityNPC): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first NPC_UPDATE frame for each NPC.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_NPC_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCInitLate(npc: EntityNPC): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_NPC_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCRenderFilter(npc: EntityNPC, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_NPC_UPDATE callback when an NPC's state has changed from what it was on the previous frame. (In this context, "state" refers to the EntityNPC.State field.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCStateChanged(
npc: EntityNPC,
previousState: int,
currentState: int,
): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_NPC_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postNPCUpdateFilter(npc: EntityNPC): void {}

Defined in




Similar to the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires after the POST_GAME_STARTED_REORDERED callback fires (if the player is being updated on the 0th game frame of the run).

This callback is useful for two reasons:

  1. Normally, POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE fires before POST_GAME_STARTED. Since mod variables are often initialized at the beginning of the POST_GAME_STARTED callback, this can cause problems.
  2. Some functions do not work (or crash the game) when called before the POST_NEW_ROOM callback. For example, since the level is not generated yet, you will not be able to access any rooms.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPEffectUpdateReordered(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PICKUP_UPDATE callback when a pickup has a different variant or sub-type than what it was on the previous frame.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the new pickup matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the new pickup matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupChanged(
pickup: EntityPickup,
oldVariant: PickupVariant,
oldSubType: int,
newVariant: PickupVariant,
newSubType: int,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_RENDER frame that a pickup plays the "Collect" animation.

Use this callback to know when a pickup is added to the player's inventory or health.

Note that this will not fire when the player takes a collectible; use either the POST_PLAYER_COLLECTIBLE_ADDED or the PRE_ITEM_PICKUP callback for that.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupCollect(pickup: EntityPickup, player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PICKUP_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupInitFilter(pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PICKUP_INIT callback on the first time that a player has seen the respective pickup on the run.

This callback is useful because pickups will despawn upon leaving the room and respawn upon re-entering the room.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupInitFirst(pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_PICKUP_UPDATE frame for each pickup.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_PICKUP_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupInitLate(pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PICKUP_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupRenderFilter(pickup: EntityPickup, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PICKUP_SELECTION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupSelectionFilter(
pickup: EntityPickup,
variant: PickupVariant,
subType: int,
): [pickupVariant: PickupVariant, subType: int] | undefined {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PICKUP_UPDATE callback when a pickup's state has changed from what it was on the previous frame. (In this context, "state" refers to the EntityPickup.State field.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupStateChanged(
pickup: EntityPickup,
previousState: int,
currentState: int,
): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PICKUP_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPickupUpdateFilter(pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a pit exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPitRender(pit: GridEntityPit): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a pit exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPitUpdate(pit: GridEntityPit): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player's health (i.e. hearts) is different than what it was on the previous frame. For more information, see the PlayerHealth enum.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerChangeHealth(
player: EntityPlayer,
healthType: HealthType,
difference: int,
oldValue: int,
newValue: int,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when one of the player's stats change from what they were on the previous frame.

The type of oldValue and newValue will depend on what kind of stat it is. For example, StatType.FLYING will be a boolean. (You can use the "Types" helper functions to narrow the type.)

For StatType.TEAR_FLAG, StatType.TEAR_COLOR, StatType.FLYING, and StatType.SIZE, the difference argument will always be a value of 0, since the type of these stats are not numbers. (For these cases, you should examine the oldValue and newValue arguments accordingly.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerChangeStat<T extends StatType>(
player: EntityPlayer,
statType: T,
difference: int,
oldValue: StatTypeType[T],
newValue: StatTypeType[T],
) => void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player entity changes its player type (i.e. character) from what it was on the previous frame. For example, it will fire after using Clicker, after dying with the Judas' Shadow collectible, etc.

Notably, it does not fire after the player uses the Flip item or the Esau Jr. item, because those items cause separate player entities to be created. Use the POST_FLIP and POST_ESAU_JR callbacks to handle those situations.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
function postPlayerChangeType(
player: EntityPlayer,
oldCharacter: PlayerType,
newCharacter: PlayerType,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player's collectible count is higher than what it was on the previous frame, or when the active items change, or when the build is rerolled.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the collectible matches the CollectibleType provided.
function postPlayerCollectibleAdded(
player: EntityPlayer,
collectibleType: CollectibleType,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player's collectible count is lower than what it was on the previous frame, or when the active items change, or when the build is rerolled.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the collectible matches the CollectibleType provided.
function postPlayerCollectibleRemoved(
player: EntityPlayer,
collectibleType: CollectibleType,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback when a player takes fatal damage. Return false to prevent the fatal damage.

Note that this function does properly take into account Guppy's Collar, Broken Ankh, Spirit Shackles, and Mysterious Paper. It also takes into account using The Bible on Satan.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerFatalDamage(player: EntityPlayer): boolean | undefined {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED frame for each player, similar to the POST_PLAYER_INIT_LATE callback, with two changes:

  • This will not fire for "child" players (e.g. non-real players like the Strawman Keeper).
  • This will fire when the player enters a Genesis room and all of their items are taken away.

You should use this callback for any player-related initialization logic, like giving the character their starting items for the run. (You do not want to use the vanilla POST_PLAYER_INIT callback for this because it fires when a run is continued.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerInitFirst(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED frame for each player.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_PLAYER_INIT callback.

For initializing a player with custom items and so forth, use the POST_PLAYER_INIT_FIRST callback instead to handle the case of a Genesis room.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerInitLate(pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




Similar to the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires after the POST_GAME_STARTED callback fires (if the player is spawning on the 0th game frame of the run).

This callback is useful for two reasons:

  1. Normally, POST_PLAYER_RENDER fires before POST_GAME_STARTED. Since mod variables are often initialized at the beginning of the POST_GAME_STARTED callback, this can cause problems.
  2. Some functions do not work (or crash the game) when called before the POST_NEW_ROOM callback. For example, since the level is not generated yet, you will not be able to access any rooms.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerRenderReordered(player: EntityPlayer, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




Similar to the vanilla callback of the same name, but fires after the POST_GAME_STARTED_REORDERED callback fires (if the player is being updated on the 0th game frame of the run).

This callback is useful for two reasons:

  1. Normally, POST_PLAYER_UPDATE fires before POST_GAME_STARTED. Since mod variables are often initialized at the beginning of the POST_GAME_STARTED callback, this can cause problems.
  2. Some functions do not work (or crash the game) when called before the POST_NEW_ROOM callback. For example, since the level is not generated yet, you will not be able to access any rooms.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postPlayerUpdateReordered(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a poop exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPoopRender(poop: GridEntityPoop): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a poop exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPoopUpdate(poop: GridEntityPoop): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a pressure plate exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPressurePlateRender(pressurePlate: GridEntityPressurePlate): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a pressure plate exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postPressurePlateUpdate(pressurePlate: GridEntityPressurePlate): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PROJECTILE_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postProjectileInitFilter(projectile: EntityProjectile): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_PROJECTILE_UPDATE frame for each projectile.

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_PROJECTILE_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postProjectileInitLate(projectile: EntityProjectile): void {}

Defined in




Fires when the provided projectile is removed after colliding with an entity or grid entity.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postProjectileKill(projectile: EntityProjectile): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PROJECTILE_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postProjectileRenderFilter(projectile: EntityProjectile, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_PROJECTILE_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postProjectileUpdateFilter(projectile: EntityProjectile): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player first picks up a new item. The pickup returned in the callback is assumed to be the first pickup that no longer exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PickupVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postPurchase(player: EntityPlayer, pickup: EntityPickup): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a rock exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postRockRender(rock: GridEntityRock): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a rock exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the GridEntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postRockUpdate(rock: GridEntityRock): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback when the clear state of a room changes (as according to the Room.IsClear method).

For example, this callback fires when you defeat all the enemies in a room (clear --> not clear) or when you bomb an angel statue (not clear --> clear). This callback does not fire when you travel between a cleared room and an uncleared room.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if the room clear state matches the boolean provided.
function postRoomClearChanged(roomClear: boolean): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback when a player takes damage from spikes in a Sacrifice Room.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function postSacrifice(player: EntityPlayer, numSacrifices: int): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback when a slot entity's animation changes.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postSlotAnimationChanged(
slot: Entity,
previousAnimation: string,
currentAnimation: string,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the PRE_PLAYER_COLLISION callback when when a player collides with a slot entity. (It will not fire if any other type of entity collides with the slot entity.)

When a player runs into a slot entity, this callback will continually fire, since the player is colliding with it on every frame. Thus, you should only perform actions in this callback under certain conditions, like if the slot entity is playing the "Idle" animation, and so on.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
  • (Only players will cause this callback to fire, so there is no need for an optional argument to filter by EntityType.)
function postSlotCollision(
slot: EntitySlot,
entity: Entity,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_SLOT_UPDATE or the POST_ENTITY_REMOVE callback when a slot machine is destroyed or a beggar is removed.

This callback will fire in four different kinds of situations:

  1. When slot machine entities (e.g. SlotVariant.SLOT_MACHINE and SlotVariant.BLOOD_DONATION_MACHINE) are destroyed with an explosion. When this happens, they typically stay in the room and can be pushed around. This state is detected via a change in the GridCollisionClass.
  2. When slot machine entities pay out with a collectible item. When this happens, they immediately despawn without playing any special animation.
  3. When beggar entities (e.g. SlotVariant.BEGGAR and SlotVariant.SHELL_GAME) are destroyed with an explosion. When this happens, they immediately despawn without playing any special animation.
  4. When beggar entities pay out with a collectible item. When this happens, they despawn after playing the "Teleport" animation. (This is not technically a "destruction" event, but the callback will fire for this to remain consistent with the other types of slot entities.)

Depending on the specific types of slot removal that you need to detect, you can filter using:

  1. The isSlotMachine helper function to differentiate between slot machines and beggars.
  2. The passed callback argument of SlotDestructionType to differentiate between bombed slots and slots that paid out with a collectible item.

Note that when a Crane Game explodes after paying out three collectibles, the SlotDestructionType will be equal to SlotDestructionType.NORMAL instead of SlotDestructionType.COLLECTIBLE_PAYOUT like you might expect. (This is because it only explodes after a short delay, and when doing so, it produces rewards in the same way that would happen if you bombed it.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postSlotDestroyed(slot: Entity, slotDestructionType: SlotDestructionType): void {}

Defined in




Fires when a new slot entity is initialized. Specifically, this is either:

  • in the POST_NEW_ROOM_REORDERED callback (firing every time a room is entered, even if the entity was previously there on a previous room entry)
  • in the POST_UPDATE callback (if the entity appeared mid-way through the room, like when a Wheel of Fortune card is used)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postSlotInit(slot: Entity): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a slot entity exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postSlotRender(slot: Entity): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a slot entity exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the SlotVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postSlotUpdate(slot: Entity): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that spikes exist.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postSpikesRender(spikes: GridEntitySpikes): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that spikes exist.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postSpikesUpdate(spikes: GridEntitySpikes): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_TEAR_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearInitFilter(tear: EntityTear): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the first POST_TEAR_UPDATE frame for each tear (which is when EntityTear.FrameCount is equal to 0).

This callback is useful because many attributes cannot be set or retrieved properly in the normal POST_TEAR_INIT callback.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearInitLate(tear: EntityTear): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the second POST_TEAR_UPDATE frame for each tear (which is when EntityTear.FrameCount is equal to 1).

This callback is useful because Incubus tears are not distinguishable until the second frame.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearInitVeryLate(tear: EntityTear): void {}

Defined in




Fires when the provided tear is removed after colliding with an entity or grid entity.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearKill(tear: EntityTear): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_TEAR_RENDER callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearRenderFilter(tear: EntityTear, renderOffset: Vector): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla POST_TEAR_INIT callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function postTearUpdateFilter(tear: EntityTear): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_RENDER callback on every frame that a TNT exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postTNTRender(tnt: GridEntityTNT): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_UPDATE callback on every frame that a TNT exists.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
function postTNTUpdate(tnt: GridEntityTNT): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when a player gains or loses a new transformation.

Note that this callback will only fire once per Forgotten/Soul pair.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerForm provided.
function postTransformation(
player: EntityPlayer,
playerForm: PlayerForm,
hasForm: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from ENTITY_TAKE_DMG callback when a Wishbone or a Walnut breaks.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TrinketType provided.
function postTrinketBreak(
player: EntityPlayer,
trinketType: TrinketType,
): void {}

Defined in




The same thing as the vanilla POST_USE_PILL callback, except this callback passes the PillColor of the used pill as the final argument. It allows you to filter by the PillColor.

In order to accomplish this, this callback tracks the held pills of the player on every frame. If a matching PillColor could not be found, this callback passes PillColor.NULL (0).

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PillEffect provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PillColor provided.
function postUsePillFilter(
pillEffect: PillEffect,
pillColor: PillColor,
player: EntityPlayer,
useFlags: BitFlags<UseFlag>,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback on the frame before a Berserk effect ends when the player is predicted to die (e.g. they currently have no health left or they took damage in a "Lost" form).

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function preBerserkDeath(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_BOMB_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the BombVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preBombCollisionFilter(
bomb: EntityBomb,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PLAYER_FATAL_DAMAGE callback when a player is about to die. If you want to initiate a custom revival, return an integer that corresponds to the item or type of revival that you are doing. Otherwise, return undefined to continue the fatal damage.

This callback is useful because reviving the player after the game things that player should have died will result in the save data for the run getting deleted.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function preCustomRevive(player: EntityPlayer): int | undefined {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_ENTITY_SPAWN callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preEntitySpawnFilter(
entityType: EntityType,
variant: int,
subType: int,
position: Vector,
velocity: Vector,
spawner: Entity | undefined,
initSeed: Seed,
): [entityType: EntityType, variant: int, subType: int, initSeed: Seed] | undefined {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_FAMILIAR_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the FamiliarVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preFamiliarCollisionFilter(
familiar: EntityFamiliar,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the PRE_PICKUP_COLLISION callback when a player touches a collectible pedestal and meets all of the conditions to pick it up.

The return values of this callback are the same as the PRE_PICKUP_COLLISION callback. For example, you can prevent a player from picking up the collectible by returning false. (However, note that this callback will continue to fire for every frame that the player touches the pedestal, so you would need to continue returning false.)

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the PlayerType provided.
function preGetPedestal(player: EntityPlayer, collectible: EntityPickupCollectible): void {}

Defined in




Fires from the POST_PEFFECT_UPDATE_REORDERED callback when an item becomes queued (i.e. when the player begins to hold the item above their head).

Note that this callback will only fire once per Forgotten/Soul pair.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ItemType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if the sub-type matches the CollectibleType or the TrinketType provided.
function preItemPickup(
player: EntityPlayer,
pickingUpItem: PickingUpItem,
): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_KNIFE_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the KnifeVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preKnifeCollisionFilter(
knife: EntityKnife,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in




Fires on the POST_RENDER frame before the player is taken to a new floor. Only fires when a player jumps into a trapdoor or enters a heaven door (beam of light). Does not fire on the first floor of the run. Does not fire when the player reloads/reseeds the current floor (i.e. Forget Me Now, 5-pip dice room).

This callback passes the EntityPlayer object for the player who jumped into the trapdoor or entered the heaven door, if needed.

function preNewLevel(player: EntityPlayer): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_NPC_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preNPCCollisionFilter(
npc: EntityNPC,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): boolean | undefined {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_NPC_UPDATE callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preNPCUpdateFilter(entity: Entity): boolean | undefined {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_PROJECTILE_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the ProjectileVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preProjectileCollisionFilter(
tear: EntityTear,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_ROOM_ENTITY_SPAWN callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the EntityType or GridEntityXMLType provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the variant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fifth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.

You can use the isGridEntityXMLType helper function to convert the entityTypeOrGridEntityXMLType argument to an EntityType or GridEntityXMLType, if needed.

function preRoomEntitySpawnFilter(
entityTypeOrGridEntityXMLType: EntityType | GridEntityXMLType,
variant: int,
subType: int,
gridIndex: int,
seed: Seed,
): [type: EntityType | GridEntityXMLType, variant: int, subType: int] | undefined {}

Defined in




The exact same thing as the vanilla PRE_TEAR_COLLISION callback, except this callback allows you to specify extra arguments for additional filtration.

When registering the callback with the ModUpgraded.AddCallbackCustom method:

  • You can provide an optional third argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the TearVariant provided.
  • You can provide an optional fourth argument that will make the callback only fire if it matches the sub-type provided.
function preTearCollisionFilter(
tear: EntityTear,
collider: Entity,
low: boolean,
): void {}

Defined in
